It was in 1984 that AHRM mounted its 1st major service excellence awards program called “Gawad Lingkod Award”, recognizing the best rank and file staff in the hotel restaurant industry.
In 1995, the Association took a bold step by enhancing the recognition program to include supervisors and managers. AHRM modified the Gawad Lingkod concept and renamed the recognition program “Mabuhay Awards”. AHRM also honors an exemplary executive the ‘Mabuhay Gold-Hotelier/Restaurateur Award’ for his/her outstanding contribution to the industry in general.
Over and above the objective of recognizing and rewarding exemplary staff in the industry. The Mabuhay Awards also promotes outstanding service excellence commitment among Filipino hospitality industry professionals.
In 2012, the awards have been opened to non-AHRM members and, therefore, hotels, resorts. restaurants and event places all over the country may now participate in this noble annual service excellence awards program.
Also in 2012, AHRM recognized and appreciated greater success of the Mabuhay Awards if the Chairperson was also the General Manager of the host hotel. This is because of his easy and speedy access and approval for any logistical requirements of the Committee. Hence, this year’s Mabuhay Awards Committee Chairperson is Mr. Philip Barnes, General Manager, Ascott Makati, Somerset Millennium Makati, and Somerset Alabang Manila.